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Geoff & Jacki Blackburn, from a Marina in Derby.

Geoff and Jacki here. We are so glad you welcomed us to Dunedin Chapter. 

A little bit about ourselves:

We have both been bikers since our teens, moving from sports bikes to Harley Davidsons.

Geoff was born in Derbyshire and I myself Glasgow. We live aboard a wide beam Narrowboat at a Marina in Derby. 

Geoff, over the years, has moved from a Fatboy to an Electraglide back to a Fatboy and he now owns a Roadglide.

I myself had a Honda XL150, Suzuki X7 and now have a Superlow Sportster 883. 

We have been to the Magic Bike Fest in Rudesheim and have attended TITG for the past 9 years, (Best Rally Ever)

We traveled up and down the country, across to the Isle of Wight, lake district, European Hog Rally Killarney Ireland.

Rode around Loch Lomond, Loch Ness, Oban, so many beautiful places to mention.

We so love be Scotland especially the highlands

We have attended RTTW since 2012 remembering and supporting our Military who have made it possible to have what we have today.