Welcome To The Dunedin H.O.G.® Chapter Web Site

Hog Chapter


As one of the 1,400 official H.O.G.® chapter’s around the world, we are sponsored by an authorised Harley-Davidson ® Dealership namely Edinburgh Harley Davidson.

The relationship between our Chapter, the sponsoring Dealership, and H.O.G.® 
are set out in a number of documents along with a UK & Ireland Chapter Code of Conduct. Both of these documents are available in the Footer below.

Search the website using the search bar below


thunder in the glens 2025

the countdown begins

The largest H.O.G.® Rally in Europe is set for August 22nd 2025. Three thousand tickets are available and please lookout for information using our Join Event link below.

The Thunder In The Glens 2025 Rally, Traders and Live Music information will also be available throughout the year. So please keep an eye on the Thunder Page or use the Link below. 

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Years of Motorcycle Experience

When You Are On a Great Motorcycle, You Have The Best View You Will Ever need in the world

Craig StewartDirector Dunedin Chapter
About dunedin HOG chapter

We Are The largest chapter in scotland and the rest of the uk

The Dunedin H.O.G.® Chapter was first started in 1994 and has grown from strength to strength into the largest Chapter in Scotland and the rest of the UK. 

Please have a look at our About Us and our Join Us Pages and make your own mind up if you wish to Join.

All you require is a HOG Membership and a Harley Davidson Motorcycle  and you are sorted.

Ride Together

Our members ride far and wide to attend other Chapter rallies and Dunedin H.O.G.® Chapter regularly win the “Best Attended Chapter”.

In the 2018 H.O.G.® “Chapter Challenge” mileage awards we can proudly say we swept the boards, winning “Greatest Number of Participants”, “Greatest Total Mileage Top 10”, and “Greatest Total Mileage”.

These awards take pride of place in our Edinburgh based dealership Edinburgh Harley-Davidson.

active community

Our members have several weekly and monthly meet ups for lunch, dinner and a chat throughout the Summer and Winter months. Information is always available in our Events Section on the main menu.

Please join if you can as these community meets cover most areas around Scotland where members reside and are a great way of meeting fellow biking enthusiasts. Enjoy

Customising Support

If you are into personalising your Harley Davidson Steed then we have a number of members who can show and advise on upgrades or updates you may have in mind.

Please just ask at any of our meetings for help and advice there will always be someone to help.

ABC 365

Thanks to Rodger's hard work in collecting the yearly mileage from members we continually aim to have the top chapter mileage every year.

As part of the mileage collection members are welcome to join the ABC competition where you collect pictures of signs worldwide and can collect points and attain discounts at all the Harley Davidson Dealerships.


Each Year the Dunedin H.O.G.® Chapter presents a cheque and or goods to various nominated charities.

To find out more please go to our Events section and Charities to view this years nominated Charities.

Garage Sale

Anything to sell or you
want to buy hit the
for sale button below.

To add an item for sale
please contact with
your details using the
following email address:

The Dream Team Thunder In The Glens 2025

Do You Want to Join the dunedin HOG chapter?

If you own a Harley Davidson, and have a H.O.G.® Membership you can join us now.

By joining the chapter you will meet like-minded riders and  Harley Davidson owners, be able to join group rides, take part in social and H.O.G.® events plus get even more enjoyment out of your Harley Davidson while making friends with the same passion. 

As with all H.O.G.® Chapters, we are a friendly group who are welcoming to everyone.

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Dunedin Chapter Members
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Miles of Riding
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Years of Motorcycle Experience
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Successful Events
Active Community
Customising Support
Charity Events

Our Member feedback


For me the Dunedin HOG Chapter is full of like minded individuals who enjoy riding all types of motorcycles. I am happy to give something back to the Dunedin HOG Chapter and I am presently the Dunedin HOG Chapter Webmaster.

Martin J Mitchell
Martin J Mitchell


Started motorcycles way back as a sports bike rider. Eventually got into HOG's which I never thought I would. I very much enjoy the HOG ethos and have made many friends along the way enjoy.

Craig Stewart
Craig Stewart

Assistant Director

I enjoy the HOG community and have a great laugh attending many meetings with my partner Sandra the Memberships Officer. Join you will not regret it.

Dougie Calder
Dougie Calder

Chapter Host

Our news

Latest news & Articles

Welcome to our latest news stories. If you wish to read more please visit our News Section in the Main Menu.

Of course if you have any Chapter related news or a motorcycle trip that you would like to be added to the web site please send your information to webmaster@dunedinhog.com.

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