Thank You Care Workers

I think we can all agree that this has been an unusual year.  It has been a difficult time for everyone at some time and we have all be faced some sort of challenge and uncertainty.  I don’t think anyone thought we would still be facing these kinds of restrictions nine months after the first restriction was put in place for Covid-19.  Covid-19 has dominated our lives and health.   The NHS and the care staff have taken good care of us since the start. They have been dedicated and like true troopers put themselves first. 


During the last nine months, many people have faced fear, anxiety, poverty, hardship, social isolation, unemployment, etc.  Now is the time to notice who has been helping who, and who needs help.

Workers in the care sector have been working extremely hard.  At times in heart-breaking situations perhaps when in a nursing home and a resident cannot get a visitor.  Some of these workers have fallen victim to covid-19 or a member of their family and they need to isolate.   Or they may have lost their job.  Finances get extremely tight.  There is a charity that can step in; The Care Workers Charity.  They will consider applications for financial assistance from people who have worked in a paid role in the UK’s care sector and are involved in or support the provision of care.

The Chapter wants to recognise the hard work that the care workers do, say thank you to the dedicated staff.  A donation of £500 has been made to the Care Workers Charity from The Dunedin Chapter.  The Care Workers Charity can be seen at the website

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