Ride 365

Our Members Ride

Our members ride far and wide to attend other Chapter rallies and Dunedin Chapter regularly win “Best Attended Chapter”. In the 2018 HOG “Chapter Challenge” mileage awards we can proudly say we swept the boards, winning “Greatest Number of Participants”, “Greatest Total Mileage Top 10”, and “Greatest Total Mileage”. These awards will take pride of place in our Edinburgh based dealership Edinburgh Harley Davidson.

Get rewarded for doing what you love. From points for every mile, to unique collectibles for key milestones, H.O.G. Ride 365 TM‘s Mileage and Destination Challenges add even more fun (and bragging rights) to every ride.

Ride 365 is the official mileage recognition programme for the official riding club
of Harley-Davidson.

Ride 365 includes the existing Lifetime Recognition and two
new programmes – Annual Recognition and Annual Chapter Challenge.

You may check in your mileage at any time during the year. The Annual Recognition programme does recognise miles ridden from January 1 to December 31. Your miles will also be added to your lifetime total and tracked as part of the Lifetime Recognition programme.

If you have more than one Harley Davidson motorcycle please fill the form in with details of each motorcycle thanks.

To register for the Ride 365 mileage recognition programme please complete the form below many thanks.

Mileage Form

Please Provide Your Mileage Information

Please use the Rider 365 mileage form in the first instance for new joiners to the Rider 365 competition and present users of the Rider 365 competition.

If you have more than one Harley Davidson then you need to fill in a separate form for each Harley Davidson mileage being entered into the Rider 365 Competiton thanks for your anticipation.

If you would rather contact Rodger directly then please send your query to Rodger using this email address ccchog9083@gmail.com


Edinburgh Harley Davidson
6 Cultins Road
EH11 4DG

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