Our chapter rideouts

Hi there, here is where you will get all the information for all chapter organised rideouts.

Any rideouts organised with members themselves you will get information on our News section  if appropriate enjoy.

Our rideouts

Check out Our Upcoming rideouts

Hi there, here we go with the lists below providing all information to join a Chapter Ride. 

Please remember to hit that Eventbrite Ticket button to get your Eventbrite Ticket so that the organisers have a count od riders and pillion for the ride-out thanks and enjoy.


Coming Soon

Coming Soon


Coming Soon

Coming Soon


Coming Soon

Coming Soon


coming Soon

Coming Soon

Do You want to join the dunedin HOG chapter?

If you own a Harley Davidson, and have a H.O.G.® membership you can join us now.

By joining the chapter you will meet like-minded riders and  Harley Davidson owners, be able to join group rides, take part in social and H.O.G.® events plus get even more enjoyment out of your Harley Davidson while making friends with the same passion. 

As with all H.O.G.® Chapters, we are a friendly group who are welcome to everyone. 


Community Question

Here you can find our typical questions and answers. If your question is not here pleas use our Contact Us page demo the menu at the top of the page and we will endeavour to answer your questions as soon as we can.

The Dunedin HOG Chapter is a yearly membership plan and you can get more information from the Join Us page at the top of this page on the menu bar thanks.

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Dunedin HOG Chapter Website